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Nearby tradespeople
On demand
By the hour

No more ringing around. Leaving messages. Chasing up quotes. Skilled and vetted tradespeople. Within 5 miles of you or your property. Free to come over right now.


Qualified, vetted and reviewed

Find a tradesperson through Manus and you know what you’re getting. Every plumber, electrician, handyman or other tradesperson has had their qualifications and certification individually vetted by us. And they all come with reviews from our users, of course.

Find the person you need

Whether you’re a homeowner who needs a plumber, or a landlord who wants a lick of paint at the end of a tenancy, Manus has got you. We’ll show you qualified and vetted tradespeople within 5 miles of you. You choose which one to hire. You can send them full details of your job. Once they accept, you can track their journey to your address on our app.

Help other users

The reviews left by other Manus users are a big help in helping you decide who to contact. So once your Manus tradesperson has been and worked their magic, be sure to leave a review that will help someone else. Be objective, and take a minute to mention anything you were particularly pleased about.

Work precisely when and where you want

There’s always someone not far away who’d love to have you come and do a job for them. The problem has only ever been knowing how to find them. That’s what Manus does for you.

Match your diary

Spare couple of hours? Cancellation? Quiet day? Open Manus on your phone and we’ll show you for jobs that close by. On a contract for a week and not looking for more work? Going on holiday? Just log out of the app and we’ll not show you at all... even if there’s a job next door.

Earn your money your way

You have the control. All jobs you see will be nearby. So only respond to those that suit you! Do a great job, be nice... and when you’re done, the customer will rate you on Quality, Reliability and Value. Grow your Manus reputation, and you’ll be landing the most attractive jobs in no time.

Look amazing

Keeping your own website and social media up to date is so much hassle! Set up your profile page on Manus and we’ll do the work of showing prospective customers how good you are. Enter some basic info, we’ll add your ratings as they come in, and people looking for help now can choose you… instantly.

Meet some of our amazing tradespeople

The app was really easy to use, perfect to fill up my day.

Olivia, Carpenter in London

Does what it says on the tin. Customers were ready and waiting for me to undertake the job.

Conrad, Handymen in London

Was able to a paint a room 10 minutes from me.

Peter, Painter in London

It’s easy getting started

There are two separate Manus apps. One for homeowners, landlords and estate agents to find people like you when they need a job done. And another one for you to manage your account and profile and receive notifications of available jobs nearby. Register now, and work close by, whenever you like.
